About Us

This endeavor seemed to explode at the same time as our coming together. Both of us had dreamed of helping others to transform and had done so in many different contexts, but it was our connection that provided us with everything that we needed to fully express what we have to offer: our hearts are on the same page, our skills are complementary, and our support of each is energizing. And the universe has moved to support us. People have appeared as teachers and helpers, time seems to have telescoped (we have been able to do more in less time than we ever thought possible), solutions to problems have been right on time, and even our company name was not taken! As W.H. Murray (The Scottish Himalaya Expedition, 1951) commented, “The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” Our relationship continues to grow and deepen in tandem with our joint determination to make our work always about service and quality.

Lynn Christine Fuentes, PhD.
Lynn Fuentes, CEO of Transformation Teaching, has been a lawyer, a mediator, a university professor and administrator, and an educational course designer. An experienced classroom and online instructor with a BA, MA, JD, and PhD, she has designed and taught courses in transpersonal psychology, writing, planning, chronic illness, and conflict management at Prescott College and DePaul University, where she also founded and directed the Chronic Illness Initiative, a program to help students with chronic illness obtain a degree. She has been a long-term caregiver for severely ill family members and a volunteer in many areas, including serving for many years as a board member of the Solve ME/CFS Initiative.Lynn has skill with several methods of personal growth including various forms of shadow work, personal inquiry, life planning, and meditation. A longtime student of integral philosophy, she has published integrally oriented essays and articles on conflict resolution and illness management and weaves integral ideas into her course design and teaching. Her books include It’s Not Too Late, After the Wrecking Ball: Ten Principles for Finding Peace Amidst Conflict, and Harry Harrison Wigglesworth the Sixteenth and The Freedom Strain. She is also an expert in adult stage development, and frequently presents on that subject in person and online.Currently, her primary area of expertise and interest is The Koan of Illness course series, an integral approach to working with illness as a personal and spiritual growth path. She has also been part of a team that developed the first Hispanoamerican Integral Encounter in Bogotá in 2019.Lynn lives in Sedona, AZ and follows an integral life practice of physical, psychological, meditative, and cognitive development.

Lynn Royster was my professor for Advocacy & Self-Determination at DePaul University, and it was not only an excellent class, Lynn taught me how to be a “perpetual advocate” for myself and other veterans. She also helped advice me for the veterans club that I started at DePaul, and it was due to her help and sage advice that the club is still going strong. I still seek her advice and I graduated in 2008.

Thomas Sandonato
I just want to say thank you for all your devotion to this class. You are truly a wonderful teacher! “You have been kind, thoughtful, quick to respond, and an excellent teacher. I never would have imagined getting to know someone over the Internet, but I believe these characteristics represent you in a genuine way. Thank you
Jose Ricardo Fuentes
I was born and raised in Colombia, South America, and educated at the Universidad de Los Andes where I received an Industrial Engineering degree and did post-graduate work in Organizational Development. I also played basketball for my College, State and then on the Colombian National team. At 28, after rising to the position of HR director for Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador for Merck Co., I left the business to pursue spiritual development. I lived in an ashram (spiritual community) for eight years, practicing meditation and community service and during 6 years served as abbot of the community.At the age of 38, I returned to the business world and spent fifteen years in Operations and IT Management, initially in the publishing Industry in Colombia and finally in the USA telecommunications industry, while continuing to study and practice meditation, personal development, and consciousness.In 2004, I had a revelatory experience while helping a family in Miami. Through this experience, it became clear that it was “through me” and not “because of me” that results were achieved. This personal experience of being used as a vehicle of grace and love ignited the flame of service within again, and I dedicated my life to the embodiment of transformation, personal growth, and spiritual development.I am trained as a facilitator and coach of many growth techniques including The Now Technique, AONC, and The Sedona Method and SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence. I have been an avid student of the Course in Miracles since 1994 and Ken Wilber and Integral Theory since 1998. Now I live in Sedona AZ and teach meditation and courses in spiritual growth and I live an integral life practice of physical, psychological, meditative, and cognitive development. I co-founded the Salon Integral Sedona in 2006.

Simply put, you have so positively influenced and transformed me that along with my mother, you are the most influential person in my life. Your teachings and your loving personality have positively transformed the way I see the world, and how I see myself. Thanks to you, I’ve started an unstoppable and joyous journey in search for the “truth.” Thank you for being in my life.

For many years I wondered what to say to you, the Angel who restores faith in God. When you approached me with a surprise in your hands, “A Course in Miracles,” you were the messenger who was to impact the most important aspect of my life, my relationship with God. Jose Ricardo, thanks for respecting my vision of life in each one of its shifts, thanks for giving without expecting anything in return, thank you for so generously be ready to share all the knowledge that you have with those around you without wanting to impose your interpretation. Thanks and God bless.