Perfectionism and chronic illness – a bad match
Feb 20, 2023
Chronic illness can be a challenging and life-altering experience. It can be hard to come to terms with the limitations and uncertainty that it brings, and it can be easy to get lost in feelings of frustration, anger, and sadness. One thing that can make it even harder to cope with chronic illness is perfectionism. Perfectionism is a common trait among people who are struggling with chronic illness, but it can also make it harder to cope with the condition.
Perfectionism is the belief that one must be perfect or that everything must be perfect. It is the belief that anything less than perfect is unacceptable. This mindset can be incredibly damaging when it comes to chronic illness. When someone is dealing with a chronic illness, they are already struggling with a sense of loss and a lack of control. Adding the pressure to be perfect can make it even harder to cope with the condition.
Perfectionism can also make it harder to accept help and support. People who are perfectionists may be less likely to ask for help, as they don't want to be seen as weak or incompetent. They may also be more likely to push themselves to do more than they are able to, which can lead to burnout and further exacerbation of symptoms.
Perfectionism can also make it harder to find acceptance and peace with one's illness. People who are perfectionists may struggle to accept the limitations and uncertainty that come with chronic illness. They may be less likely to find ways to adapt and make the most of the situation. They may also be more likely to blame themselves for their condition, which can lead to feelings of guilt and shame.
In conclusion, perfectionism and chronic illness are a bad match. Perfectionism is a common trait among people who are struggling with chronic illness, but it can also make it harder to cope with the condition. It can make it harder to accept help and support, find acceptance and peace with one's illness, and to adapt and make the most of the situation. People who are struggling with chronic illness should make an effort to let go of perfectionism and focus on self-compassion, acceptance and understanding.
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